Yoga for Snowboarders
So, Teagan, tell us why you love yoga and how does it help improve your snowboarding?
"I like to ride hard so it's nice to counteract with some yoga and stretching afterwards to help my body recover and always be ready for another day on the hill. Yoga also helps me to stay calm in the mind so I am prepared for any obstacles on the hill. Taking a few big, deep yoga breaths has helped me to stay calm after a big crash or when the visibility is so poor you ride slow, just to stay alive! Plus, being able to touch your toes makes strapping in and doing boots up soooo much easier."
Yoga Poses to try
"Snowboarding and yoga go hand in hand even though they are very different. Snowboarding is hard on the body, especially the legs and hips."
These yoga poses are perfect for stretching out, recentering and recovering after a big day on the slopes. We love finding easy ways to adjust our routines to be healthier and and more prepared for outdoor adventuring, these poses are so simple, you can easily squeeze them into your morning or evening routine, or even your lunch break on the hill! Jump into some comfy clothes and give them a go.

Nadi Shodhana- Alternative Nostril Breathing

Trikonasana- Triangle Pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana- Downward Dog

Ardha Chandrasana- Half Moon Pose

Utkatasana- Chair Pose